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Advisory Councils

The Older Americans Act, mandates each AAA to establish an Advisory Council.

“The Advisory Council is charged with furthering the agency’s mission of developing and coordinating community-based systems of services for all older persons in the planning and service area.”  However, as the name suggests, the Council advises – it does not govern.  Advisory Councils provide the roots that help the AAA grow in its mission.

The composition of the Council should include:

  1. More than 50% older persons (aged 60 and over) including minority individuals who are participants or who are eligible to participate in programs offered under the Act:

  2. Representatives of older persons;

  3. Representatives of health care provider organizations not funded through the Area Plan Grant;

  4. Representatives of supportive service provider organizations not funded through the Area Plan Grant;

  5. Persons with leadership experience in the private and voluntary sectors; and

  6. The general public.

If you are interested in more information on serving as a volunteer on the Advisory Council in your county, contact your county office.

By becoming an Advisory Council member, one agrees to carry out the following roles and responsibilities:

  1. Goodwill Ambassador to the Community:  enhancing the AAA’s visibility, by expanding the circle of friends;

  2. Advocate:  championing and representing the interests of the AAA and their clients;

  3. Specialist:  helping to ensure adequate resources to carry out the AAA’s mission; and

  4. Strategic Advisory:  providing strategic support and expertise to further the AAA’s goals.

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